Join us for our yearly LibreOffice Conference! We'll have workshops, presentations, discussions and fun... With great food and drinks too.

Location: Universitatea Națională de Știință și Tehnologie Politehnica București – Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare – PRECIS (full address is Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu 6d, București 061344)

Conference dinner (for those who are registered): Thursday, 19:30, Hanu' lui Manuc restaurant (Str. Franceză 62-64, București 030106)

Hackfest will take place on Friday evening, 22nd September, at La Măria și Ion restaurant, in the middle of student dorms! This is just across the the Dambovița river and you can reach it from the venue by walking. For those who’ll need transportation just use the metro and step down at Grozăvești station.

At the event

Chat channels

Note: the two chat channels are bridged to each other, so you only need to join one.

Extra information