After discussing technical details about the code base, planning further steps regarding the marketing efforts or fighting bugs we invite you to drink a beer, grab some food and have some fun at the ISC club.
We'll also invite some of our friends from the local linux user group and other opensource enthusiasts, but otherwise the club is ours! :D
You'll get coupons for some free drinks and we'll have finger food ready for all of you. The bar has free Wifi but it's probably best to leave the notebooks “at home” and just have some fun together.
Please don't forget that the KSP (key signing party) is right next to the location where the bar is located – so if you want to strengthen your web of trust, this would be the ideal occasion.
By the way, our friends from the local Linux User Group ( are helping us during the conference and they have their monthly meeting on the same evening as well. So if you want to meet some new people after the social event, feel free to join the lugbe event afterwards. Please visit the event page for further details.