Bjoern Michaelsen
I joined Canonical in February 2011 and was with Sun/Oracles team before. As a member of the engineering steering commitee for LibreOffice, a Deputy Director on the Board of the Document Foundation, a member of the certification commitee of the Document Foundation and Ubuntu maintainer for LibreOffice, I will try to collect whatever other title I find laying around at this conference.
Bjoern Michaelsen is a currently employed by Canoncial Ltd. and is responsible for the packaging for LibreOffice on Ubuntu. He joined the company and LibreOffice development in February 2011, coming from Oracle (and before that Sun), where he was working on the same codebase for a few years in the Writer/Framework area. Even since long before that he is an open source enthusiast and did start with minor contributions to a range of open source projects. Just recently he jumped out of a perfectly working plane for the first time and found skydiving to be a lot of fun.